It’s no surprise that some of the standout garden performers have been the native plants, like lance-leaved coreopsis, black-eyed susan and swamp milkweed.
It’s early April, and dusk is settling in. At odd moments throughout the day, you’ve found yourself pausing to admire the spring flowers, winking open their petals to the warming day, splashing the fields and gardens with purple crocus, butter-yellow calendula and cherry-pink milkweed. What better time to check on the bees.
Calgary’s network of urban beehives has expanded into a residential neighbourhood, as part of an initiative to help the ecosystem and maintain the population of honeybees.
First things first: Beers brewed with honey aren’t necessarily sweet. In most cases, brewers use honey as a fermentable— it’s more likely a contributor to the beer’s mouthfeel and appearance.
High cholesterol levels and high pressure are things which almost everyone suffers from nowadays. The diseases need therapies in order to be controlled. They also need exercising and a change of diet.