New Honey Taste Test

A great way to introduce yourself to new honeys is to sample them – taste-test a number of different honeys and try to guess the flavour. Paul is right that 76% of all honey in the marketplace is fake. Follow us here and on social media for more real information about honey.

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The Bee Project

Calgary entrepreneur Paul Vickers, who turned Cowboys Dance Hall into an international sensation, is setting his sights on a new venture to bring awareness to the public about the plight of the bee.

Vickers is launching The Bee Project - a unique and innovative initiative that will collect data and information from bee hives placed atop buildings in 36 centres across Canada.

The goal, through his new venture High Rise Honey, is to help the colonization of a threatened species as well as gather information about the quality of honey in those cities taking into account each of their environmental influences. Vickers believes the analysis of the honey, to be done by a bee expert from the University of Calgary, will give some great insight about the health of Canadians in all those markets.

Paul-Vicars-&-Jade The Bee Project
Paul-Vicars-&-Jade The Bee Project

Modular hexa-hives claimed to be better for your bees

A new beehive system made up of a series of hexagonal prisms may be just what your bees need. The Honeycomb Hives system is designed to tackle bee colony losses by making hives which apparently keep pests out, get rid of condensation and which retain heat more efficiently – all problems which can be a bane to honey bees.

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Article by James Holloway